
android build system


On the whole, spending much time on build system is unpromising in my opinion. I even can not find some convenient tools to debug make.
Almost all guys despise those who work on build system. But for too many times, projects met build problems which may live there for years.
In a word, writing makefiles is easy, writing good makefiles is not so.
Android makefiles are beautiful, but it’s tooo slow for small targets. automake is verbose but quick.

This note describes something about the build system in android.


android make system will use /bin/bash as SHELL, which is more comfortable but low efficiency.
droid is DEFAULT_GOAL.
it has a usefull help goal.
it has a funny out goal.

Android makefiles like eval very much, it uses eval heavily.

Do not override INSTALLED_xxx_TARGET, it may work, but will cause confusions.
Try not to patch android build, use proper VAR to customize, or add extensions. Patch is ugly and hard to maintain.

add projects for ROM companies(vendor)

add / to vendor dir, this will make the product appear in lunch
add BoardConfig as */$(TARGET_DEVICE)/