Build AOSP image for Nexus Player

How to build AOSP images for Nexus Player(fugu)

0. Preface

Be sure to read thoroughly to get a basic knowledge of Android factory images and flashing tools.

1. Download AOSP code

repo init -u -b android-8.0.0_r12
repo sync

2. Download fw/drivers

Go to and search for Nexus Player (“fugu”) section. Download all fufu related firmware.

3. Merge code and prebuilt fw

Unzip the downloaded fw in previous section, and run the embedded script. Please put the extracted files under vendor/asus, vendor/broadcom etc.
Please be noted that you must “Accept” the license when running the embedded script.

4. Build images

Go to Android code root, do envsetup, then:

lunch aosp_fugu-userdebug
make dist -j32

5. flash images

You can get factory images and OTA packages, you can then flash them to the target platform just as what you have done on our Berlin platforms.